泰孚教育:What the TESOL course has helped me?

作者:TESOL in China来源:TESOL网址:http://www.tefltesol.com.cn

I am more confident to teach children to learn English as a second language now.

Firstly, this TESOL course gives me a broader view ofteaching methodology, and presents some classroom attention grabbers andgreeting and warm-up games to well organize the class. I am a second languagespeaker and I have learned English mostly by grammar translation method.Although learning English through translation seems to be quick and efficient,it is unnatural to put reading before listening and speaking, and it limitsstudents’ oral expression. I have taught my 4-year old son mostly under theguidance of natural approach. During this course, I get to know differentteaching methods, such as TPR, communicative approach, content-centeredlanguage learning, and so on. I could apply these methods in my class in thefuture.

Also, this course helps me get to know different ESLgames in practice. ELS games make the teaching-learning process more engaged andinteresting. I am a musical learner. I love musicals, chants and songs. I thinkI could create my own chants for children when they learn new words.

Plus, this course introduces eight intelligence types. Iwill adapt my teaching course to the type of children in the future. Forexample, for visual learners, I will show them pictures, flash cards and havemore drawing and sketching activities during class; for verbal learners, I willintroduce hitting monster game, lucky ball game, role play, debates, andrepetition game; for logical learners, I will provide thinking maps andclassification games; for bodily learners, I will play touching games, describeand guess game with students; for interpersonal learners, I will prepare groupdiscussion session and games requiring team work; for intrapersonal learners, Iwill maintain some private time and spaces for the students to do someindependent jobs; for musical learners, I would like to play chants and songswith children; for naturalist learners, I will help children explore our naturethrough daily outing and field trips. Children are usually with differentintelligence types. Hence, it is vital to integrate various games and methodsto make learning process more attractive and individualized.

Most importantly, second language learning usuallyinvolves four aspects, which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Inthe first place, teachers will help children get interested in the languageitself in terms of listening and speaking, and then improve students’ readingand writing skills gradually. Thus, when children get used to the Englishlistening and speaking environment, I think it is time to introduce vocabulary.According to this TESOL course, teaching vocabulary includes teachingpronunciation, meaning, using and spelling.


For pronunciation, this course shows seven steps to teachkey words. For example, we could write down 5-7 key words on the whiteboard,and then follow the seven steps. Step one, teach the vowel sound in the words,which means teacher and students discuss the colored vowel sound in each word.Teacher speaks the vowel sound and after that, teacher will point to thestudent who is required to say the vowel sound correctly. Step two, stop at thevowel sound, which means teacher only reads up to the colored vowel sound. Stepthree, read words to the class, which means teacher reads the word stressingeach sound and students repeat. Step four, teacher-student call out, whichmeans teacher says the sound made up to the colored letters, and students saythe entire word aloud when teacher points to the class. Step five, copycatexercise, which means students repeat every word and sound said by the teacher.This is so much fun, and very useful. Students are encouraged to speak out loudwithout under pressure. Step six, boo boo catcher, which means teacher readsthe list words from top to bottom but mispronounces one word, and students mustraise hands and correct teacher. This helps students pay attention to whatteacher says, and learn the words by repetition. Step seven, timed reading,which means to time the students on saying the list and write their time on theboard. The one with short time is the winner.

In terms of teaching vocabulary meaning, I can apply TPR,content-centered language learning to help students understand newwords. Also, I can apply lexical method to help students explore morewords related with each other.

To consolidate vocabulary, there are several approaches,such as labeling the body parts, spot the differences, describe and draw, ESLgames, word association, word categories, word board game, and so on. Plus, Ican apply communicative methods to help students use words in dailydialogues.

For spelling, we could encourage students to do somespelling homework, such as coloring the word letters, draw lines to connect theword with the corresponding picture.

To sum up, I enjoyed this TESOL course. And it willdefinitely help me a lot in future teaching career.



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